Dealing with the press

A bishop smiles through a camera viewfinder

If you are not used to dealing with the media, the prospect can be daunting. The Communications team is here to help.

We can offer support and advice on how to build relationships with your local media in the good times – and how best to respond in more challenging situations.

Below are some fact sheets to help with the basics. But remember you can contact the team for general advice on 01865 208 200, by emailing Communications, or via Facebook Messenger.

The Media Trust also has a useful resource hub which may be helpful.

If there’s a problem and you need advice quickly

We’re generally available between 7am and 10pm most days, but please try not to call outside of office hours unless it really is an urgent issue that can’t wait.


Media enquiries

Rebekah Sharrock

07880 716 761

Duty phone

01865 208 227 | 07880 716 761

Page last updated: Friday 14th June 2024 11:22 AM
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