Click here for a library of resources, including recordings from previous CMD events.
Nurturing our growth as ministers
27 - 31 January (St George's House, Windsor)
A 5-day residential consultation/retreat for clergy with at least five years' experience in ministry.
The programme offers an opportunity to take stock and refresh your purpose, resilience and energy as a minister. It will equip you with a set of insights and personal practices with which to nourish continually your own growth, both as a priest and a person, and the growth of others around you. People who have attended similar programmes in the past have described the effect as transformational – both for themselves and their wider ministry.
Cost: £225
Further information can be found here. For an application form, please email or telephone 01753 848886.
Ministry with Schools
28 January (The Marcham Centre, Marcham, and Marcham C of E Primary School)
This is primarily a training day for curates, although other clergy, and LLMs, who would like a ‘refresher’ training day are welcome to participate.
There will be a school visit and a chance to learn from a successful long-term church and school relationship. Leading figures in the ODBE will give presentations on different aspects of schools ministry, and there will be school-appropriate worship.
Preaching for Lent and Easter
6 February (10am - 3.30pm, Church House, Oxford, OX5 1GF)
Luke writes unashamedly of the cost of discipleship and shows Jesus model it in his life, death and resurrection. We will explore these themes in Luke in three sessions: (1) “From Ash Wednesday to Lent 3: four sermons to get Lent going,” offering four sermon outlines in four different sermon styles on the gospel readings for the principal services; (2) “Discipleship in Luke,” going deeper into Luke’s key theme of carrying our cross daily; and (3) “Jesus’ passion and resurrection in Luke,” exploring how Luke sees the focal point of the salvation and recreation of everything.
Leaders: Revd Dr Andy Angel and Bishop Steven Croft. Lunch provided.
Moving from pastoral to spiritual conversations: numinous experience
11 February (9.30am - 1pm, online)
This first of three workshops will explore how to transition from pastoral to spiritual conversations.
It will briefly cover:
- basic active listening skills
- the dance between content and process in conversations
- recognising and listening for numinous experiences.
Part 2 and Part 3 will explore how to discern and facilitate making better decisions, and accompanying the holy ground of brokenness and resistance.
Participants will be invited to share their own experiences in the practical sessions, in pairs and triads, and contribute to discussion in the larger group to facilitate a broader learning experience for all.
Each workshop can be booked independently.
Leaders: Revd Joanna Gallant and Nick Gallant.
Trauma-informed ministry
25 February (9.30am - 1pm, online)
This workshop will explore the emotional and psychological impact of the recently published Makin report on clergy and their congregations. The workshop is designed for clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers in the Diocese of Oxford.
Leader: Revd Hilary Ison
Participants will:
- look to the future, at our human need for connection and relationships with others, and what helps to equip and sustain us for the challenges we face in pastoral ministry and church leadership
- have the chance to process what the impact of the Makin report and the events and media coverage that have followed, and the effect this had on their wellbeing, ministry and vocation
- draw on neurobiological and trauma theory alongside biblical and faith resources, considering 'where we are now' - living in a time of uncertainty and change within the Church
For further information, email
Environmental Theology
26 February (Church House, Oxford)
This is a training day for curates, other clergy, and LLMs.
Interest in environmental theology is on the rise across the churches. Martin and Margot Hodson, who have researched and taught in this area for many years, will give an overview of the science and theology involved. Alison Riggs and Hannah Mann will give presentations on diocesan resources and approaches that can be of help to parishes wishing to take action.
Exploring Chaplaincy
4 March (Church House, Oxford)
This is a training day for curates and other clergy who are interested in chaplaincy.
Chaplaincy is evermore important in our increasingly secular country. It can take many different forms and we will explore a number of these on this day. We will have presentations from military, school, university, hospital, police, and prison chaplains. We will also discuss other kinds of chaplaincy, routes into chaplaincy, and associated topics.
Moving from pastoral to spiritual conversations: discerning better choices
11 March (9.30am - 1pm, online)
This second of three workshops will explore how to transition from pastoral to spiritual conversations.
It will briefly cover:
- basic active listening skills
- the dance between content and process in conversations
- how to discern and facilitate making better decisions.
Part 3 will explore accompanying the holy ground of brokenness and resistance.
Participants will be invited to share their own experiences in the practical sessions, in pairs and triads, and contribute to discussion in the larger group to facilitate a broader learning experience for all.
Each workshop can be booked independently.
Leaders: Revd Joanna Gallant and Nick Gallant.
We Breathe Your Name: Tools for Your Vocal Toolkit
25 March (10:00am - 3:30pm, Yarnton Manor)
A practical workshop to help you explore how to sing with more freedom and enjoyment. The less we have to think about how to sing, the more we can focus on the way. Tools and building blocks will include exercises that help breath and support of sound, the continuum of music and how best to shape the vowel before we sing it. This workshop is ideal for those leading sung worship in all traditions and with all levels of experience. We will reflect on how we use these skills in worship, and it will be a lot of fun, so come along! Small building blocks! A quick phrase to learn before the workshop: “Vowels carry the voice and consonants carry the text.”
Leader: Ryland Angel, a Grammy-nominated British opera singer and vocalist, composer and teacher, Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study (University of Minnesota).
Moving from pastoral to spiritual conversations: working with brokenness and resistance
1 April (9.30am - 1pm, online)
This last of three workshops will explore how to transition from pastoral to spiritual conversations.
It will briefly cover:
- basic active listening skills
- the dance between content and process in conversations
- accompanying the holy ground of brokenness and resistance.
Participants will be invited to share their own experiences in the practical sessions, in pairs and triads, and contribute to discussion in the larger group to facilitate a broader learning experience for all.
Each workshop can be booked independently.
Leaders: Revd Joanna Gallant and Nick Gallant.
Mental Health First Aid (2-day course)
9-10 July (9am-5pm, Church House, Oxford)
This course is now fully booked. We're looking for dates to run another course. Please email us here if you'd like to be on the waiting list for the next course.
This is a two-day course for clergy only, provided by humantalk and sponsored by the Clergy Support Trust. The course will equip participants with a practical framework for supporting those experiencing mental health concerns.
- Grounded in research, and developed with clinical practitioners, MHFA Is designed to enhance participants knowledge and confidence in how best to help others, whilst also looking after their own well-being
- within a church context, this programme can help participants reflect afresh on their theology of suffering, healing and recovery
- all participants will receive a 100 page printed workbook, and access to digital resources for up to three years post training, including the MHFA app which provides 24/ 7 digital support
- the training has been warmly received by cohorts of curates, parish priests, chaplains, area deans, and archdeacons
Click here for a library of resources, including recordings from previous CMD events.