Transforming conflict

"Disagreement and conflict in the Church are inevitable. However, it is our response to conflict that is critical. Most Christians want to find better ways to engage with one another in the midst of conflict, and to learn how to handle conflict constructively."

Bridge Builders

How we can help

We offer practical help to individuals and groups along with guidance and advice to equip people to transform how they resolve their conflicts.

How is the service paid for?

Some costs will be incurred which, depending on the circumstances, may be borne by the individuals, the parish or the diocese.

Help for individuals and groups

Sometimes relationships in the parish become strained. There may be tension between the incumbent and curate, between a long-arrived clergy person or members of a leadership team. We can offer mediation or facilitated conversations in such circumstances. We are trained to help when disputes arise between Christians.

Guidance and advice

We offer a listening ear and advice on:

  • some possible tools and techniques;
  • other mediation resources;
  • sources of training on conflict prevention and conflict resolution;
  • other ways to help you resolve conflict.

Mediation often opens a way forward for Christians who are struggling to work co­operatively together. The key is to help them address their grievances, build their own agreements for the future, and find an opening for God’s work of reconciliation.’

Bridge Builders


Training days are offered in conjunction with the Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) team.

This may be of help to:

  • Leaders of diocesan training courses, area deans, incumbents and churchwardens;
  • Christian leaders faced with conflict;
  • Church members concerned about conflict in the local church.

Our mission:

  • To equip people to tackle and transform conflicts;
  • To help you to resolve conflict and transform relationships;
  • To accompany you in conflict on the journey towards resolution;
  • We believe bringing peace is intrinsic to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Diocesan Conflict Transformation Network

Bishop's staff liaison

Charnelle Stylianides - Director of People and Safeguarding

Network Members

The Revd Dr Beren Hartless

Appointed by the Bishop of Oxford. Trained by Bridge Builders.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." 

Matthew 5:9 TNIV

Page last updated: Tuesday 13th February 2024 3:23 PM
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