Exploring your vocation

Welcome! Whatever stage of your journey, it is great to hear from you. You may have a clear idea of what God is calling you to, or you might just have an inkling or a 'nudge' from God. Vocation is the word we use when we talk about God calling us into a particular role.

How can we help you?

I want to...

Start my journey to lay ministry | Start my journey to ordination | Start my journey to the religious lifeExplore lay training | Curate Vacancies


Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to be called into ministry?

Our short film shares the stories of people from around the diocese who have responded to a sense of calling. Former accountants, project managers, mothers and students, some in training and some living life as parish priests, reflect on their journeys into a life of ordained ministry.


What is a vocation?

Your vocation could be your paid employment, such as a teacher, office worker or almost anything else. If that is where God has called you to work and to be a Christian as you work, that is an important part of your Christian life and witness. Your vocation could be outside paid employment - your role as a parent, or helping with a youth group. For some people, God calls them to a more formal role within the church, either paid or unpaid: this could be as a vicar, chaplain, youth worker, lay preacher, joining a religious community or becoming an evangelist.

In the Diocese of Oxford, we have a team of Vocations Advisors trained to help you think through your sense of vocation; they have access to the information you need and can ask the questions that will help you understand your call and what it might mean to you, your family and the church. If you believe God is calling you to ordained ministry or lay ministry please speak to your vicar or chaplain and contact us and we will put you in touch with a Vocations Advisor. Have a look at the further reading list for links to resources which help you understand the options as you prayerfully consider what God is calling you to.

Meet the team
The Diocese of Oxford has a team of Directors of Ordinands and Vocations Advisors. Find the contact for your area below.


Directors of Ordinands

Quentin Chandler

Head of Vocations and Diocesan Director of Ordinands

Area Director of Ordinands - Buckingham


Nicholas Cheeseman

Area Director of Ordinands - Berkshire & Oxford


Jane Hemmings

Area Director of Ordinands - Dorchester & Oxford




Helen Charlton

Assistant Director of Ordinands - Berkshire


Amy Cavender

Assistant Director of Ordinands - Berkshire




Sue Spankie

Assistant Director of Ordinands - Dorchester


Debbie Webb

Assistant Director of Ordinands - Dorchester




Paul Moring

Assistant Director of Ordinands - Buckinghamshire


Ian Fishwick

Assistant Director of Ordinands - Buckinghamshire



Administrative staff

Mandi Bowden

Administrator to Vocations and DDO Team



Vocations Sunday 2024

Vocations Sunday falls on 21 April 2024. This year's resources focus on 'the Great Vocations Conversation', the Church of England's challenge to all Church ministers to commit to having one conversation a month about vocation with someone different from themselves. You can find a suite of resources on the Church of England website.


In this section...

Called to lay ministry

Guidance on exploring a calling to lay ministry in the Diocese of Oxford.

Called to ordained ministry

Guidance on exploring vocations in ordained ministry.

Called to Religious Life

Guidance on exploring a call to a Religious Life in community.

Lay training

Training and learning opportunities to encourage and equip mission and ministry, both in and through the local church. 

Page last updated: Friday 7th March 2025 5:31 PM
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