Dwelling in the Word

Bibles in pewsListening to scripture, each other and God.

Dwelling in the Word isn't about sharing information or seeking scholarly answers - or even the right answers - to the issues raised in the text.

It is far from magical or formulaic; it won’t solve all the problems or answer all the questions, difficulties and issues you have to address. But over time, this discipline forms a community of the Holy Spirit, where the Spirit is as welcome and expected as anyone else there.

In our current season (September 2024 onwards), we're dwelling on passages in Ephesians. 

Download the Dwelling in the Word helpsheet and Ephesians handout (PDF)


Reflections and inspiration for Dwelling in the Word


The Bible on... Your perspective

How we do we look at the world? And how can we transform our perspective to become more like that of Christ?

Translations through time

Compare how the translation of Philippians 4:8-9 has changed over time.

Are you sitting comfortably?

The Bible can “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable” as it expresses both the tender love of God for his children and the tough love that challenges our complacency. Are you as comfortable as you should be – or too comfortable?

The Word Became Flesh

John 1:1–18 contains some of the most well-known words in the New Testament – but they may also be among the least understood.

Psalms of lament

Are we missing something that can help us face the suffering in our own lives and the world?

Viewed through a different lens

Some circumstances make us view the text through a different lens, Kate Tuckett discovers as she reads the first chapters of 1 Peter.

Our solid ground

We will only navigate the challenges of the coming years if we learn to be a deeper church again.

The wisdom of 1 Peter

A guide to reading 1 Peter in a way that allows you to listen to scripture, God and each other.

Dwelling in Christ's coming

Reflections on John's gospel.

Dwelling in the Psalms

How the writer of a psalm found his faith sustained by reading scripture.

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