Dwelling in the Word

Bibles in pewsListening to scripture, each other and God.

Dwelling in the Word isn't about sharing information or seeking scholarly answers - or even the right answers - to the issues raised in the text.

It is far from magical or formulaic; it won’t solve all the problems or answer all the questions, difficulties and issues you have to address. But over time, this discipline forms a community of the Holy Spirit, where the Spirit is as welcome and expected as anyone else there.

In our current season (September 2024 onwards), we're dwelling on passages in Ephesians. 

Download the Dwelling in the Word helpsheet and Ephesians handout (PDF)


Reflections and inspiration for Dwelling in the Word


Making a difference

People around the diocese share the difference dwelling in the Word can make.

Dwelling in the Word with children

The Revd Jo Williams describes how children can bring unique insights into scripture.

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