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Diocese grant helps expand church services at Begbroke

For St Michael’s at Begbroke, a Development Fund grant has bolstered the launch of a new all-age service, Come and See It All Begins with ABC, in the local village hall. 

The Revd Sue Spankie, associate vicar, explained: “We were finding that people were not crossing the road (A44) because it is such a busy road. ABC stands for All together in worship, Breakfast, Craft and songs which is exactly what this service is. 

“We decided to hold the service in the hall and meet the community where they were, building the church there.”

Sue continued: “The services are as interactive as possible, encouraging the children to learn how to pray. Our church family have also benefitted as their leadership and ministry skills grow by sharing their faith. The grant will enable the service to be more sustainable, providing resources for the activities as well as promotional materials.”

Since the service launched, the church regularly welcomes more than 20 families who take part in craft activities as well as prayer space activities.

They have also found the church’s older community have joined in as well, enjoying having breakfast with others.

The next round of applications for the Development Fund closes on 31 January. Information on how to apply is available on our website.

Page last updated: Monday 27th January 2025 1:13 PM
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