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School builds links between Wooburn Green in Bucks and Nakuru in Kenya

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This is a text-only version of an article first published on Wednesday, 15 May 2019. Information shown on this page may no longer be current.

STRONG links have been built up between St Paul's Church of England Combined School in Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire, and the Walk Centre church and school in Nakuru, Kenya. The Walk Centre is a not-for-profit organisation committed to helping the children of the Hilton slum area in Nakuru, Kenya by providing them with the basic human rights of education and regular meals.

St Paul's school supports the Walk Centre by collecting shoes and clothes that are taken to the children in Nakuru by members of St Paul's Church.

The Harvest Festival service in October 2016 was in aid of the Walk Centre and, for their harvest giving, each child donated a second-hand pair of shoes and a new pair of socks.

These items were taken out to Nakuru in April 2017 where they were gratefully received by the children.

From September 2017, St Paul's School will be sponsoring a child from the Walk Centre to attend High School to complete the next stage of their education. Sophie Winkler, vice-chair of governors, said: "Although thousands of miles apart, there are many similarities between St Paul's school and the Walk Centre school. Both schools have a strong Christian faith and enjoy a time of daily worship and both schools look to God for strength and guidance and for help on how to think and behave. St Paul's school really enjoys having this link with the Walk Centre."

Children try on shoes in Nakuru, Kenya.

Chair of Governors, Wullie Wilson, with a whole van full of shoes and socks donated by St Paul's school for their harvest service.

Children are given shoes in Nakuru ;

Page last updated: Friday 27th September 2024 3:48 PM
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