God in the life of...

Shiela FurlongIn this section you can read inspiring stories from people across the diocese about how their Christian faith influences their everyday lives. Changing our conversations can change our culture.

So how can we be more curious and interested in each other’s lives away from church gatherings? Once you've scrolled through some of the stories below, take a look at the seven small shifts your church community could take


Julia Ogilvy

A Catholic pilgrimage to Bosnia started a shift in Julia's life, leading her to sell her business and start up a charity supporting young people.

Head of Adoption for PACT

Lorna Hunt details her journey towards working for PACT, a charity with its roots in the Diocese of Oxford.

Brian Barnes

Brian reflects on an accountancy career that saw him held up at gunpoint and 33 years as a churchwarden in rural Fingest.

Call the Midwife

Saving the lives of mothers and their babies was all in a day's work for missionary midwife Eve Vause.

The Assistant Archdeacon of Oxford

The Revd Canon Dr Peter Groves tells his story.

An Oxford Brookes University student from Kerala

Sachin Mathew, student at Oxford Brookes University, shares his journey to Oxford from Kerala via Kuwait.

David Benskin

David Benskin shares his journey to ordination and his top tips for people with dyslexia.

Lydia Messling

Lydia Messling shares how her love of creation inspires her faith, studies and jobs as she works to make a difference to the environment.

Dr Jane Clements MBE

Dr Jane Clements MBE shares the inspiring story of God at work in her life and her services to interfaith and community cohesion.

Sheila Furlong

God in the life of the CEO of The Archway Foundation, providing a lifeline for adults struggling with loneliness in Oxford for almost 40 years.

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