God in the life of...

Shiela FurlongIn this section you can read inspiring stories from people across the diocese about how their Christian faith influences their everyday lives. Changing our conversations can change our culture.

So how can we be more curious and interested in each other’s lives away from church gatherings? Once you've scrolled through some of the stories below, take a look at the seven small shifts your church community could take


An entrepreneur and athlete

Joy Foster talks about sport, business, her family and how she regained her Christian faith out of tragedy.

Sports chaplain Angy King

Angy King talks about how she moved from teaching PE to being a sports chaplain.

A bank manager in crisis

Dave Saunders, from All Saints, Binfield, on how he came to know God after the credit crunch left his career in tatters.

A retired anaesthetist with a passion for Africa

Dr Keith Thomson shares how he used his medical skills to help people in need in Africa.

The founder member of LAMPS Collective

Chris Matthewman tells his story of becoming a Christian children's worker and performance artist.

The 'glam vicar'

The Revd Sharon Grenham-Thompson talks about her journey to prison chaplaincy and on to parish ministry.

A journalist and PR professional

Kate Nicholas shares how her illness saw her reflecting on God's work in her life.

An artist, teacher and business woman

Peronel Barnes shares how hope has inspired her landscape paintings.

The Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft

The Bishop of Oxford shares the story of God at work in his life and his journey to faith.

Science missioner Jen Brown

The Revd Jen Brown tells Jo Duckles how she became a science missioner in the Churn Benefice.

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