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The latest news and features from the Diocese of Oxford. To contact the press office, please call 01865 208 277 (out of hours 07880 716761) or email

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Grants of £2,000 for church projects

First published on: 28th February 2018

Andrew's Charitable Trust (ACT) has 20 Christian Innovation Grants of £2,000 on offer for new community projects led by local churches and Christians.

On the money - rural ministry

First published on: 28th February 2018

50% of our churches are in rural areas and face unique challenges...

Bishop of Oxford to pay tribute to martyr Thomas Cranmer

First published on: 27th February 2018

Bishop of Oxford to pay tribute to martyr Thomas Cranmer. THE Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev Dr Steven Croft, will preach during a special service next month commemorating the martyrdom of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, a leader of the Reformation who compiled The Book of Common Prayer still used in many churches.

Abundant Life: order yours now

First published on: 14th February 2018

Following the success of Exploring the Beatitudes published last autumn, a new booklet written by Bishop Steven looks again at what it means to be a Christ-like Church.

Abundant Life - Reflections on the Raising of Lazarus - a review

First published on: 12th February 2018

Abundant Life - Reflections on the Raising of Lazarus - a review. Have your say on the future of the Door With newspapers across the country changing the way they publish we also need to take a moment to look at how and why we publish the Door.

#GodWithUs campaign reaches 6.8m people

First published on: 25th January 2018

#GodWithUs campaign reaches 6.8m people. A NATIONAL initiative that featured videos of a High Wycombe church has been declared a huge success.

Door man appointed new Bishop's Chaplain

First published on: 16th January 2018

Door man appointed new Bishop's Chaplain. THE new Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford is the Revd Graham Sykes (right), who became the chairman of the Door's Editorial Support Group last year.

New chapel for students at Altwood School

First published on: 3rd January 2018

Students, staff, parents, governors and supporters of Altwood CE School joined in a service of blessing and dedication for a new chapel.

Responding to loneliness

First published on: 20th December 2017

Responding to loneliness. Increasing numbers of church leaders cite loneliness as a significant problem according to a 2014 Church Urban Fund survey.

For Richer For Poorer to tackle poverty

First published on: 12th December 2017

A report into poverty in the Oxford Diocese is hot off the press.

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