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Former Archbishop of York, John Habgood

First published on: 11th November 2020

Former Archbishop of York, John Habgood. b.

Diocese of Oxford welcomes new Finance Director

First published on: 10th November 2020

John Orridge to join the Diocese of Oxford as Finance Director, from the Diocese of Leicester.

Abseiling for Christian Aid

First published on: 23rd October 2020

People passionate about tackling global poverty went over the edge of St Mary Magdalen Church tower, in a sponsored abseil.

New resources launched

First published on: 14th October 2020

God calls us even in the midst of this crisis to find our voice again as disciples and as a Church. This not for our own sake but for the sake of our nation and the world and the communities we serve.

A helpful clarification...

First published on: 10th October 2020

A number of commentators on social media have said that the core message of a film by the Bishop of Reading is pantheistic or panentheistic.

Bishop of Dorchester retires

First published on: 5th October 2020

The Bishop of Dorchester, the Right Revd Colin Fletcher marked his imminent retirement with two major services.

Exhibition to celebrate Thomas Becket a huge success

First published on: 29th September 2020

AT the start of 2020 there were grand plans at St Thomas' Church, Goring, to celebrate the anniversary of its patron saint.It is 850 years since his murder, on 29 December 1170 and 850 years since his body was moved on 7 July from a tomb in the crypt of the cathedral into a glittering shrine.While many of the celebrations, including a pilgrimage to Canterbury, had to be postponed, a flower, textiles and history exhibition was a huge success. More than 350 people visited, �1,000 was raised and a donation made to the Wallingford Food Bank. The GAP textiles group produced wall hangings on a pilgrimage theme, and the flower arrangers created colourful displays in celebration of Thomas Becket's life. There was also a small exhibition about the history of the church in medieval times. Precautions were in place to stop the spread of the COVID-19, with stewards outside taking names of visitors, and people encouraged to stay socially distanced as they enjoyed the exhibits. Plainchant, (simple, traditional Christian chanting dating back to the 13th century) played as visitors discovered more about the life of the saint to which the village church is dedicated.It is hoped that a piece of amateur theatre about Becket will go ahead in the autumn and that the pilgrimage will take place next year.

New Associate Archdeacons ready to help

First published on: 29th September 2020

As parishes focus on our common vision to become a more Christ-like Church, our three Associate Archdeacons are ready to help.

Cathedral launches Centre for Christian Pilgrimage

First published on: 28th September 2020

Christ Church Cathedral has launched a new Centre for Christian Pilgrimage.

New deacons ordained in services postponed from July

First published on: 28th September 2020

A nurse, a former toy tester, police officer and solicitor are among the 22 new deacons to be ordained to serve in diocesan churches.

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