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Distribution of food bank Real Easter Eggs begins

First published on: 12th April 2019

Distribution of food bank Real Easter Eggs begins. MORE than 700 Easter Eggs made in Oxfordshire have been donated to food banks by churches from across the UK.

Archdeacon of Bristol announced

First published on: 12th April 2019

Archdeacon of Bristol announced. 14 April 2019 - The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, announced this morning the appointment of Revd Neil Warwick as the new Archdeacon of Bristol.

A never-emptying food cupboard

First published on: 9th April 2019

A never-emptying food cupboard. Generous villagers are keeping a food cupboard in their church stocked so that anyone in need can help themselves whenever they like.

Chat mats arrive in Caversham

First published on: 5th April 2019

Chat mats arrive in Caversham. SOMETIMES a quiet coffee is just the thing while at other times the chance to chat can make all the difference.

More than 900 reports of potential modern slavery in hand car washes recorded through app

First published on: 5th April 2019

More than 900 reports of potential modern slavery in hand car washes recorded through app. Drivers using a pioneering app to gather information on modern slavery in hand car washes made more than 900 reports of potential cases over a five-month period, according to research published today.

Fight poverty with soup this Lent

First published on: 4th April 2019

People across the diocese are being urged to support Christian Aid by eating soup this Lent.

30 not 'out' as new church ages well

First published on: 3rd April 2019

30 not 'out' as new church ages well. A CHURCH in Reading is celebrating its 30th birthday after being built to serve the largest new housing development in Europe.

Celebrating the link between faith and peace

First published on: 3rd April 2019

How often do we hear religion being blamed for the wars of the world?

Eco-classroom completed

First published on: 3rd April 2019

Eco-classroom completed. THE Rt Revd Colin Fletcher, the Bishop of Dorchester, officially opened the new eco-classroom at St Peter's CE Infant School recently.

Exploring angels at Dorchester Abbey

First published on: 3rd April 2019

Exploring angels at Dorchester Abbey. DORCHESTER Abbey will be hosting a celebration of angels with an exhibition, interactive family themed workshops and a Celebration of Angels in Music concert.

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